Terence believes that storytelling can be key to healing and coming to terms with one’s situation and condition as he has experienced it for himself.

“As a stroke survivor, I want to make a difference in someone’s life through my journey with the hope of providing a positive outlook as one navigates everyday life.”

Through his books, Terence endeavors to create a community of survivors and caregivers so that more experiences can be shared.



Stroke continues to disrupt lives and rob families of their loved ones, as more and more people are coming to realize. Two of the beautiful souls featured in this book have since departed, and this new edition is dedicated to their memory. Of late, I’ve had a few health scares myself, and each time I would just wish that I could go as beautifully as they did. Anyway, as long as I’m still alive, I hope to keep spreading the word that we need to be prepared for the worst and then be strong enough to overcome when it happens. That is what this book is about, and its mission will only be accomplished once everyone has read it.


In this new book, Emerging From the Dark, the author
has assembled a collection of moving stories, accompanied by illustrations to shed light on post- stroke life in an interesting, unique, and yet powerful way from people in all stages of stroke recovery. After the author was afflicted by stroke, his right hand no longer function like it used to. The hand became a stranger to him, and using it was painful and agonizing. In the end, the author wrote not one but two books that are filled with illustrations which he drew, showing his courageous spirit, grit, and determination as he fights to build a life... post-stroke.

What can you gain after losing so much?


“Given a choice, I would have dressed for the occasion. I dressed for every occasion, even nightmares. But this time… I was caught unaware… I was no longer in control.”

Terence never dreamt he would suffer a stroke. After all, didn’t strokes happen only to old people? Terence did not die, he survived. But there is a difference between just surviving and living “magnificently and beautifully”.

A Cry In The Dark details the journey of Terence Ang, an established marketing professional who had it all until he suffered a stroke that crumbled his life. Determined to regain full function and mobility, Terrence put his all into physiotherapy sessions where he went through denial, anger, and finally, acceptance. His life-changing experience evoked a sense of immense gratitude for the simple things in life he once took for granted.

This book is written and illustrated with Terence’s ‘non-functional’ right hand. Although his story may have begun with a cry in the dark, he discovers he has more strength, more courage, and much more in himself than he can ever think or imagine.